The Johnson County WIC Program currently has two different clinic locations in SHELBYVILLE AND FRANKLIN, INDIANA and a soon to be third location opening up in Greenwood (Summer of 2025). Families can choose whatever clinic they want to go to as it does not matter what county they live in. All our services are the same, it is simply whatever is the most convenient for families.
Hours do vary between clinics and outreach events are different in each community, so to make it easier to navigate and provide special event updates, we have set up three separate clinic tabs on the Johnson County WIC website. We look forward to seeing you at one of our three sites.
Shelbyville WIC Contact Information: 2418 East State Road 44 / Shelbyville, IN 46176 / 317-398-3002
Hours: Monday 10:30am -7pm / Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 8am – 4:30pm